The Essence of Prayer

The Essence of Prayer

The Cambridge Dictionary defines essence as the basic or most important idea or quality of something.  What is the essence or the most important quality of our prayers?  Is it what we ask for, how we ask, our ability to believe, our persistence, or is it how we live our lives?  Each of these are a part of our prayer life and come out of our faith.  They combine to create an image and fragrance before God,  When the Lord looks from Heaven He sees our lives, the  things we do and don’t do.  He discerns our thoughts and the intents of our hearts.  We can say we love Him with all our hearts but He knows if we love Him a little or a lot.  We can say we trust Him but He knows if we truly trust in Him or something or someone else.  All these factors play a role in whether our lives are a sweet fragrance unto the Lord or a stench in His nostrils.  

There is a Spanish worship song titled Perfume a Tus Pies. The words of the chorus are: 

Yo quiero enamorarme más de Ti. 

Enséñame a amarte y a vivir
conforme a tu justicia y a tu verdad. 

Con mi vida quiero adorar.
Con todo lo que tengo y lo que soy,

 todo lo que he sido te lo doy.
Que mi vida sea para Ti
como un perfume a tus pies. 

An English translation would be something like this:

I want to be more in love with you.
Teach my soul to love you and to live
conforming to your justice and your truth.
I want adore and praise you with my life.
With everything that I have and I am,
everything that I have been, I give to you.
Let my life be to you
just like a perfume at your feet.

Our lives have the capability to be a sweet fragrance like a perfume unto the Lord or a sour smell or stench in His nostrils.  What changes would we have to make to become a sweet fragrance.  The chorus of Perfume a Tus Pies takes that thought one step further.  The chorus expresses the desire that one’s life may be an offering of perfume at the feet of the Lord.  This is something that must be in our hearts to do and something we do willing.  Paul said in Romans 12:1, “I beseech ye therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service.”  A good starting place would be to pray, as the chorus says, for God to teach our souls to love Him, to live according to His ways and truth, and to praise Him with our lives.  One might find it encouraging to look up the lyrics to this song.  Here is a link to the song if you would like to listen to it :



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Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.

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  • Aliquam tincidunt mauris eu risus.
  • Vestibulum auctor dapibus neque.

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  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
  2. Aliquam tincidunt mauris eu risus.
  3. Vestibulum auctor dapibus neque.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus magna. Cras in mi at felis aliquet congue. Ut a est eget ligula molestie gravida. Curabitur massa. Donec eleifend, libero at sagittis mollis, tellus est malesuada tellus, at luctus turpis elit sit amet quam. Vivamus pretium ornare est.

Heading 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi eros libero, condimentum ut, facilisis non, pellentesque ut, enim. Duis tortor. Proin a quam. Phasellus pellentesque volutpat felis. Nulla facilisi. Cras sed sem at neque dapibus ultricies. Aliquam placerat pellentesque metus. Morbi ac dui non nibh pretium lacinia. Curabitur vitae elit quis tellus tincidunt aliquet. Aliquam id ligula vel eros lobortis interdum. Aliquam in mauris. Etiam et turpis. Donec faucibus vulputate arcu.

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Praesent dolor ipsum, mollis et, porta vel, auctor ultricies, mi. Vivamus ligula leo, ullamcorper eget, pellentesque sed, adipiscing eget, ipsum. Duis imperdiet adipiscing justo. Duis molestie quam vehicula dui. Donec nec ligula. Nullam turpis mauris, mollis ut, semper non, imperdiet vitae, nunc. Suspendisse diam diam, rhoncus in, imperdiet eget, iaculis nec, nibh. Proin commodo risus quis velit. Nam sodales massa ut ipsum. Curabitur ipsum.

Heading 3

Integer pretium enim a lectus. Sed mi. In neque. Suspendisse suscipit ipsum in ligula. Integer aliquam rutrum ante. Pellentesque ligula. Duis mauris. Nunc volutpat mi non lorem. Cras eros. Vestibulum vel nisi. Aenean nec nibh sed orci imperdiet tempor.

Heading 4

Aenean nec sapien sed arcu gravida scelerisque. Fusce vehicula risus vel urna. Cras venenatis leo id dui bibendum pretium. Cras sem sem, pretium vel, cursus id, facilisis eget, enim. Ut tempor. Donec augue lorem, sollicitudin sed, mattis quis, egestas at, risus. Praesent tempus orci in massa. Integer tempor ornare velit. Proin euismod. Nunc in augue.

Heading 5

Duis iaculis elit non lacus. Ut sollicitudin erat. Suspendisse potenti. Duis iaculis pharetra lacus. Fusce ac magna. Duis et ante et libero rutrum sagittis. Vivamus consectetur. Integer in eros. Donec at purus. Praesent diam mi, sollicitudin a, molestie non, imperdiet a, enim. Pellentesque et ante sit amet lectus eleifend aliquet. Cras convallis erat non arcu. Duis consectetur tempor mi. Suspendisse non dolor at augue consectetur dictum. Aliquam arcu mauris, commodo sed, ultricies elementum, lacinia a, nisl.

Heading 6

Mauris ultricies, odio a ultricies blandit, lorem mauris tincidunt tortor, et aliquet enim neque quis turpis. Nunc neque diam, porta ac, accumsan ut, tristique in, nibh. Ut ac justo sit amet dolor ornare cursus.