Standing in the Gap Ministry

Inspiro is a Portfolio & Photography WordPress Theme. This area supports self-hosted videos as well as videos from YouTube and Vimeo.

How’s Your Prayer Life?

How’s your prayer life? Watch the video to find out the best indicator to see how effective your prayer life really is.


Daily Workout of the Three R’s for a Stronger Prayer Life

A good daily physical fitness workout makes one stronger and more able to do the physical chores of life. It increases ones health by making the heart healthier and lowers blood pressure. It helps relieve anxiety and lowers stress levels. A good daily spiritual workout can benefit us in many ways, making us emotionally stronger, mentally healthier and spiritually closer to God. A daily workout of reading the Word of God, reflecting on its meaning and responding to it through action can make our prayer life stronger and more active.

Read the Bible

Use a printed copy or a good Bible App

Reflect on What God is Saying

Meditate on it and pray to God about it.

Respond by Doing Good

Put your new knowledge into action.


Do you struggle with anxiety, worry and stress? The cultural environment and world unsteadiness and the move away from God has caused anxiety to be a major issue for almost everyone. The anxiety page has some coping tools and mechanisms that are useful in dealing with anxiety. Ultimately, the more you grow spiritually, the closer you get to God, the more peace you will have.

niagara falls, waterfall, horseshoe-418125.jpg

Our Services

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Our Work


Our Clients

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Our Team

Cynthia Howery

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Jimmy Banh

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Leo Palmieri

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Unleash your creativity with Inspiro

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